Sacred Rest for the Nervous System – Yoga Workshop  


Sacred Rest for the Nervous System – Yoga Workshop

The workshop offers a comprehensive practice that includes Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation and rejuvenation, along with mantra chanting and pranayama (guided breath work) for inner balance. We will  engage in grounded and accessible strength-based Hatha Yoga practices. Which will consist of poses and sequences such as Balasana (Child’s Pose), Supine twists and Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Half Spinal Twist). And dynamic movements like Marjariasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose) for spinal health. These practices come with a focus on joint-freeing sequences (Pawanmuktasana focusing on asanas that enhance digestive functioning). Rather than emphasising stretching and flexibility, this yoga workshops  is deeply rooted in traditional Hatha Yoga and focussed on healing. The session will finish with a restorative Yoga Nidra practice.

Dates and times:

In addition to the physical practice, we will have a session on Yoga philosophy. Discussing the origins of Yoga Nidra and the states of consciousnes. The workshop, ‘Sacred Rest for the Nervous System,’ is planned for Saturday, 9th November from 10 am to 12 pm and is accessible for both in-person and online participation. All are welcome. Led by our team of teachers, Jasminder Bahia, Paula Clarke and Bhavna Patel.

Pricing Options

£45 or £35: Pay What You Can Afford. We are dedicated to making our events accessible, and we invite you to choose the rate that best fits your financial situation—no questions asked. Selecting the £45 option allows others to benefit from lower-priced spots. If you’d like to claim one of the 5 available spots at the £35 rate, please apply the discount code TMXJWXNG at checkout.

£25 Spots for BIPOC Community Members / Reduced Fee Spots – In our effort to create a diverse and inclusive community, we are offering 5 spots at a reduced rate of £25 for BIPOC community members or those who require financial assistance. If this applies to you, please use the discount code KVFRKBZT when registering.

Please book your spot here. 

Financial Assistance

Important Notice: If you find these pricing options beyond your financial reach, please don’t let this discourage you. We believe that financial constraints should not prevent anyone from participating. Please get in touch via email – We offer a free karma yoga/seva yoga option for individuals in need, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to join our community.

Your participation includes access to the workshop, and personalised guidance from our teaching team.

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