Celebrating 10 years YTTC

Celebrating 10 years YTTC

Celebrating 10 years for our YTTC!  We can’t quite believe it’s now 2021 and we are celebrating 10 years of our YTTC (Yoga Teacher Training Courses).When we first began we started out in small venues and hiring out local places for our yoga training.  In 2012 we had...

In-Person Yoga Classes

In-person Yoga Classes We are excited to return to in-person yoga classes!  To ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable we have reviewed and updated our Covid-19 guidelinesNumbers will be limited to 9 students per public class, with clear guidelines for entering and...
300-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

300-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

We are excited to announce plans to launch our very first 300-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training.  Our 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training programmes are specifically for qualified yoga teachers. To help participants expand their knowledge, and develop the skills...

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