Five Layers of Being: A Journey into Pancha Kosha with Meditation, Mantra, and Pranayama

Workshops |

Exploring the Five Layers of Being: A Journey into Pancha Kosha with Meditation, Mantra, and Pranayama. Join us for a workshop where we delve into the concept of Pancha Kosha and explore the layers of our being through meditation, mantra, and pranayama. Our aim is to create a space for self-discovery and personal growth that goes beyond the physical practice of yoga.

The workshop is divided into four parts:

  1. Introduction: We will give a brief overview of the Pancha Kosha model and explain the workshop’s structure.

  2. Overview of the Pancha Kosha Model: We will discuss the connection between the five layers of the Pancha Kosha model and our nervous system, exploring their significance.

  3. Experiential Practice: Participants will be guided through a meditation practice that includes mantra chanting and pranayama to engage with each of the five layers. This practice allows time for journaling and self-reflection.

  4. Wrap-up: We will facilitate a group discussion to reflect on the practice and explore ways to incorporate these teachings into our daily lives. Additionally, we will share resources for further exploration.

This workshop provides a safe and inclusive space for participants to reflect, connect, and gain a deeper understanding of the Pancha Kosha model. Please note that our location, at our Nottingham studio, is on the first floor and does not have wheelchair access. However, the practices can be adapted for both yoga mats and chairs.

Workshop Details:

  • Date: Saturday, 23rd March 2024
  • Time: 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
  • Facilitator: Jasminder Bahia 
  • Location: In-person at our Nottingham studio

Booking Information and Fees:

  • £45 per person for non-members
  • Two reduced spots available at half-price for members of the global majority
  • Members with a valid class pass can attend for £30. Please email us to reserve your spot.

Our focus is on delivering workshops that bridge the philosophical aspects of yoga with our physical practice. We believe that yoga encompasses more than postures alone. To book your spot, please register or contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.

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